Refund and Cancellation Policy

Effective Date: 09/01/2024

At GoNxStep Business Solutions, we strive to provide the highest quality services. However, if you need to cancel a project or request a refund, please review the following terms.

Refunds for Project-Based Services

  • Non-Refundable Deposit: A 50% deposit is required to begin all projects. This deposit is non-refundable.

  • Partial Refunds: If the client cancels the project after work has begun but before completion, a refund may be issued, minus any costs for work already completed.

    However, please note the following important condition:

    No refunds will be issued after 48 hours from the receipt of the deposit.

    This means that:

    1. Within the first 48 hours after paying the deposit, clients may be eligible for a partial refund as described above.

    2. After 48 hours have passed since the deposit was received, no refunds will be allowed, regardless of the project's status.

    This policy is in place to account for immediate resource allocation and project initiation, ensuring that we can effectively manage our time and resources for all clients.

  • No Refunds on Completed Work: Once the project is delivered, no refunds will be provided.

Cancellation for Retainer Services

  • Notice Period: Retainer agreements require 30 days written notice for cancellation.

  • No Refund for Unused Time: No refunds are provided for unused hours or services in any given month.

Requesting a Refund

  • All refund requests must be made in writing to [Insert Contact Email]. Refunds will be processed within 15 business days if approved.